Category: Uncategorized

Diversity Rules the Global Economy, Step Up to Success

We may have all come on different ships, but we are in the same boat now. Martin Luther King, Jr. The proof that we are citizens of the world, no matter how fiercely we choose to localize, was one of the pandemic’s profound lessons. Technology has created an interdependent global economy.

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From Problem Child to Genius—Energizing Chapters

The smiles are back! Yesterday the CDC announced that anyone who is fully vaccinated need not wear a mask in most circumstances. But wait. The comments on my Facebook page tell an interesting story. Everyone isn’t jumping on Open Table or heading to the movies. Some of us are quite

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Why & How to Bring Back the Lost Art of Listening

Did you ever notice that LISTEN and SILENT are spelled with the same letters—something to think about. Most of us don’t listen well. Listening is not a skill our society values. We’re taught to talk, not listen. But you don’t learn by talking, you learn by listening. When you listen,

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Want To Innovate? Don’t Get Too Comfortable

A colleague recently confided in me that although her association is facing serious challenges, the board isn’t interested in learning how to govern more effectively. Her attempts to educate them are always met with resistance. You can guess where this group is headed. If they manage to survive over the

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Innovative, Healthy Associations Have a Growth Mindset. Does Yours?

During the pandemic, your association, like many others, had to adopt innovative approaches to member services and operations. You had to rethink education, networking, non-dues revenue generation, volunteering, and governance. More change is on the horizon. As members’ habits and needs continue to change, you’ll have to rise to the

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How to Think Like an Entrepreneur and Why You Should Want to

My fascination with technology began when I realized it would help me become better at something I love—dealing with challenging problems. Originally, .orgSource was focused on software and hardware solutions. Today, although our scope has expanded to include integrating strategy, systems, and communications, problem-solving remains the core of our business.

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Strategy and Preparation Boost Your E-Learning IQ

Investing in a learning management system is no longer a choice. An LMS is much more than an enhancement to your website. It is essential equipment in a business environment that is challenging organizations to provide smarter, faster, and more engaging solutions for their customers than ever before. People look

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As the Pandemic Ends—The Need to Reinvent Grows

I found a relic of my former life when I was organizing my files. It was a presentation I created back in January 2020. The title was Association 4.0—Creating Community in a Less Social World. I planned to use the deck to launch a new series of in-person Think Tanks.

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Turn Customers Into Community

How do you grow membership in a harsh climate? Attracting a wider audience and turning those customers into community is a good way to start. We’ve been on notice since well before the pandemic that shifts are occurring in why people join an association and what they want once they

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