Category: Uncategorized

.orgCommunity Leadership ColLAB Gets to the HEART of Technology

There’s always a magnet for attention in the room–that individual surrounded by a group of eager listeners. Have you ever wondered what spark makes them special? Some people just understand how to click with others. They’re good at social skills like listening, empathy, and finding common ground. The same concept

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Lessons Learned Living the Virtual Experiment

COVID made us lab rats in a variety of unusual experiments. Remote work was one of those unsettling tests. it was also an experience that transformed the employment landscape. When Kevin Ordonez, my business partner, and I wrote our Association 4.0 books, a home office was still a glimmer in

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Good CEO, Bad Call—How to Recover

Martha Stewart took her company public in 1999 and became America’s first self-made female billionaire. Then, in December 2021, she acted on an illegal stock tip and was sentenced to five months in prison. You probably won’t become a billionaire and I don’t see any of my readers going to

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Build a Marketing Dream Team—Welcome AI

Oh, those pesky keywords. For communicators who would rather write sentences than algorithms, finding the phrases that will viralize your posts seems like a New York Times word game gone wrong. Good news! You don’t have to wake up at four a.m. weighing the merits of  “member satisfaction” versus “satisfying

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ChatGPT Isn’t Ready for Prime Time, But an Upskilled Team Will Be

The introduction of ChatGPT from Open AI makes for jittery breakroom conversation. An AI whose vocabulary is limited to customer service platitudes doesn’t seem so threatening. But when the chatbot can write an essay, that’s another story. Back in 2017, McKenzie reported that: “by 2030, 75 million to 375 million workers (3

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Customer Experience Plays Marketing as a Long Game

If your brand was a person, who would it be? Wait, before you stop reading, this question isn’t as silly as it sounds. There should be someone in your organization who walks in your brand’s shoes and always puts the best foot forward. This representative should be dedicated to building

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Influencers and Influences—2023 Marketing Trends

What can you learn from Charli D’Amelio? Don’t know who Charli is? You definitely need to keep reading. Charli D’Amelio rules the nanosecond video clip. She is a TikTok star influencer and was the first of those ephemeral luminaries to reach 100 million followers. Even Charli is baffled by her

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A Technology Assessment Connects Intention and Ability

Do you have a friend whose house looks like it belongs to neat freak Felix Unger, but the closets and drawers are clearly owned by lovable slob Oscar Madison? This Odd Couple disconnect happens to even savvy digital organizations. My writing about digital leadership often focuses on values and attitudes. But

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