Category: .orgCommunity

8 must-read newsletters for association leaders

These are the newsletters association executives read to stay current on trends, insights, and opportunities for their organizations. With an inbox chock-full of requests from your staff, solicitations from vendors, inquiries from sponsors, the media, and who knows who else, how do you stay up to date on trends and

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Leverage ESG to Fast-Track Sustainability and Member Value

Delivering member value gets a lot of airplay in this blog and across the association community. There are good reasons for that intense focus. Associations have new, strenuous competitors. Other providers are offering attractive education and networking opportunities; while social and cultural changes are limiting the time volunteers have to

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5G’s Magic—Powering the 4th Industrial Revolution

If you ever wondered what magic can create a workerless factory, a home that talks to its owners, or a car capable of communicating with other vehicles and pedestrians, 5G is part of that wizardry. Smart devices characterize the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a topic that continues to be top of mind

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Catching Up to Nordstrom—Deliver Member Delight

Nordstrom is famous for their return policy. They’ll accept an item that may not even be from their store. For this courtesy, they have gained a die-hard fan base. Before Netflix was an idea, Nordstrom knew a thing or two about the value of personalized service. Since 1901, the company

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Onboarding the Board—Your Opportunity to Promote Peak Performance

How would you describe your board’s performance? Is it— the organization’s greatest asset? They are wise stewards of our resources and visionaries who identify strategies for future growth. a thorn in the side? They are contrarians lost in the weeds who impede our progress. inconsequential? They are crickets, disinterested or

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Rule Your Market—Blue Ocean Strategy Sidesteps the Sharks

Are sharks circling your member base, eyeing bites for their next meal? Even if your association is trapped in a sea of competition, you can change course and sail toward possibility. Sharon Rice, .orgSource Managing Director of Business Strategy, is our expert for guiding associations through tough markets. At .orgCommunity’s recent Innovation

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July Featured Resource from the .orgCommunity Knowledge Hub

The .orgCommunity Knowledge Center Our library of free downloadable content includes white papers, webinars, product guides, case studies, industry analysis and much more, provided by experts and vendors within the association industry. By downloading the content, you may be contacted by the provider.     The Ultimate Guide to Amazing

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Find the Athletes You Need to Innovate

Don Dea and Hugh Lee, the co-founders of DigitalNow, are colleagues I look to as voices from the future. In an interview for our book, “Association 4.0: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Risk, Courage, and Transformation,” Don made this prediction. “In order to help workers adapt, associations will need to find and hire

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The Right Tech Tools Deliver the Frosting and the Cake

.orgCommunity’s June 9 Innovation Summit showcases the most interesting trends in the association industry and the people who make them happen. Planning this event is an annual reset. It’s an opportunity to consider fresh ideas and the strategies that keep them growing. It’s also a chance to discover the technology that supports

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April Featured Resource from the .orgCommunity Knowledge Hub

The .orgCommunity Knowledge Center Our library of free downloadable content includes white papers, webinars, product guides, case studies, industry analysis and much more, provided by experts and vendors within the association industry. By downloading the content, you may be contacted by the provider.     What Is An AMS? The

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To Stay on the Bull, Learn From Other Riders

Being a CEO today is a little like riding a bull. The experience is guaranteed to be bumpy. But, if you have half an hour to listen to someone else’s story, you can learn a lot about how others manage the challenge. The leaders I interview for my Association 4.0 podcast encourage

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The Right Business Model Puts all the Wheels Into Alignment

Have you ever pushed a shopping cart with a loose, squeaky wheel? That one misalignment makes getting around the store frustrating and difficult. Associations move toward success on these four wheels. Insightful strategic planning Effective and attainable goals and objectives A capable team And a business model that maximizes the

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