Tag: #orgsource

Cast Video with Strategy to Create Stellar Communications

Giving your association’s stories their 15 minutes of fame has never been easier. Video has an immediacy and impact that consistently outpaces other mediums. I’m glad to see so many organizations producing compelling content. Some professionals still think of video as a one-off initiative. In fact, it has the potential

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Ignite Engagement—Give Members Influence

One of social media’s powerful lessons is the impact of influencers on brand awareness. Whether it’s a van-lifer selling energy drinks or a dog groomer styling a cast of fluffy fur babies, real people using products in everyday life moves merch. So who exactly is an influencer? Is it anyone

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Raise the Board’s Financial IQ

What is your board’s financial IQ? That’s a question every association CEO should be able to answer. While you may not have a Warren Buffett in the group, hopefully, there are some above-average number crunchers. To adequately fulfill the three duties of a nonprofit board member—Care, Loyalty, and Obedience—a solid

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To Find Value—Innovate!

Value is the association industry’s word of the hour. Customer expectations for online commerce are driving the preoccupation to deliver tangible member benefits paired with exceptional experience. Tired thinking won’t get you to your value happy place. To meet the moment, make an ongoing commitment to innovation. .orgSource senior consultant,

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The Power of Convincing

Have you ever visited a psychic? Just for fun, of course. I wouldn’t suggest that association executives take their cues from tea leaves or the Tarot deck. A little mystery is exciting, right? And, it wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining if those predictions didn’t occasionally ring true. Far be it

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Resilience Rides the Waves of Disruption

Now that “disruption” is a business catch phrase, is “resilience” an equally common term in your professional vocabulary? It’s a word that deserves a prominent place in every management team’s playbook. A global biological disaster was unique in our current experience. It introduced the idea that disruption is more like

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Are You Done With Digital Transformation?

Your CMS, LMS, and AMS are chatting happily together. The team is using the new analytics software to plan more effective outreach initiatives. And, members are enjoying your responsive and customized approach. Is it time to put a wrap on digital transformation? After all, you’ve been working to improve your

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To Survive a Crisis, Lean Into Trust—CEOs Share Pandemic Stories

While some businesses are writing their final pandemic chapter, the healthcare and restaurant industries continue to feel the aftershocks of seismic disruption. Nancy MacRae, MS, CEO of the Emergency Nurses Association and Kristine Hillmer, MBA, CAE, and President and CEO of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association, are leaders who guided their

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Challenging Conversations—Tackling Risk

  If your association is lucky enough to have an investment portfolio, a discussion about risk has probably been on the board’s agenda. Financial managers make understanding the group’s risk tolerance a defining component of their strategy. These conversations are limited to bottom-line issues. But risk doesn’t always come with

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Customer Experience Plays Marketing as a Long Game

If your brand was a person, who would it be? Wait, before you stop reading, this question isn’t as silly as it sounds. There should be someone in your organization who walks in your brand’s shoes and always puts the best foot forward. This representative should be dedicated to building

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