Category: Making Connections

Onboarding the Board—Your Opportunity to Promote Peak Performance

How would you describe your board’s performance? Is it— the organization’s greatest asset? They are wise stewards of our resources and visionaries who identify strategies for future growth. a thorn in the side? They are contrarians lost in the weeds who impede our progress. inconsequential? They are crickets, disinterested or

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To Stay on the Bull, Learn From Other Riders

Being a CEO today is a little like riding a bull. The experience is guaranteed to be bumpy. But, if you have half an hour to listen to someone else’s story, you can learn a lot about how others manage the challenge. The leaders I interview for my Association 4.0 podcast encourage

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Grow Your Team’s Skills, But Don’t Forget Yourself

Smart CEOs understand that the quickest path to success is the one where the team travels with you. Skill-building across the organization isn’t just good leadership, it’s good for leaders. Professional development is a wise use of resources. Just be sure to make yourself part of the group. Your own

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.orgCommunity – Shaping the Future Together!

Innovation & disruption has been happening and will continue to happen at an accelerated pace. But today is the launch of .orgCommunity’s Innovation + Disruption Conference — the beginning of answers to how associations can tackle and get in front of disruption. We have worked with the .orgCommunity “Think Tank”

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.orgCommunity – Shaping the Future Together!

As an entrepreneur in the digital technology and marketing space for more than 25 years, I can say with confidence and certainty that technology advancements are happening quicker than ever before. These advancements are affecting our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions

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