Category: Content

Catching Up to Nordstrom—Deliver Member Delight

Nordstrom is famous for their return policy. They’ll accept an item that may not even be from their store. For this courtesy, they have gained a die-hard fan base. Before Netflix was an idea, Nordstrom knew a thing or two about the value of personalized service. Since 1901, the company

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The Right Tech Tools Deliver the Frosting and the Cake

.orgCommunity’s June 9 Innovation Summit showcases the most interesting trends in the association industry and the people who make them happen. Planning this event is an annual reset. It’s an opportunity to consider fresh ideas and the strategies that keep them growing. It’s also a chance to discover the technology that supports

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It’s Not About You—Put the MarCom Focus Where It Belongs

Are you using binoculars or a mirror to create communications? It’s more than an understatement to say that we have the tools to focus on our members. The ability to know our customers down to their preferred publications, favorite conference destination, and hot button issues has never been easier. The

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Association 4.0™ – Find the Sweet Spot in Digital Markets

Is anyone else tired of dystopian predictions? Today, I’m going to consider perfection. This may not be what most people imagine as utopia. But the realm of Association 4.0™ is pretty close to my ideal for my clients and their organizations. Several years ago, .orgSource coined the phrase Association 4.0

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Member Value Equals Sponsor Value

Digital Strategies Deliver the Goods If an abrupt pivot wasn’t part of your previous business experience, it’s on your radar now. One of my personal pandemic resets taught me that sometimes a sudden challenge is also an “aha moment”. Of the many shifts in strategy .orgCompanies made over the last

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Finding Stability in the ContinuousNext

Remember the good old days? Once every three years, you gathered the board and staff in a conference room with baked goods, a lot of caffeine, and a facilitator. They produced what was euphemistically called a strategic plan. Often this document had more in common with a laundry list than

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