Category: AI

Still Confused About AI, Learn the Facts A-Bot Us!

How many articles about AI have you read? Too many? Despite all the information, are you still a little confused about where this adventure is going? Let me begin with a disclaimer. Generative AI is not a gift that lends itself to neat packaging. The beauty of this technology is

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Study the Data, But Eat the Cake—Put the Human Factor Forward

Are you guilty of cognitive bias? The answer is yes, probably on a daily basis. It’s a fancy way of describing how humans typically make decisions. Researchers have identified over 180 types of cognitive bias. You’ll recognize these examples. Confirmation bias is the tendency to place the greatest value on

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AI, Automation, and New Tech Put Member Love Online

Every member experience with your brand is a plus or a minus. There is no neutral. If the interaction doesn’t register as positive, you’ve earned a negative due to a missed opportunity. No matter how much marketing techniques evolve, that equation doesn’t change. As you investigate strategies to incorporate AI

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Stay Ahead of AI’s Magic

AI has that magic quality that tempts us to imagine powers even greater than its already impressive abilities. Like the whale that becomes Moby Dick or an ape that prompts sightings of the Yeti. The leap from reality to make-believe is easy. And the difference between truth and speculation can

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Get More Out of AI, Start Chatting

You’ve probably had a conversation with the bot twins, ChatGPT and Bard. Actually, they are triplets because Microsoft has a bot named Bing, who receives less attention. (Check Bing out. I like the fact that the source documents are always provided.) Maybe you’ve already experimented using generative AI to create

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Step Up to AI, But Tread Lightly

Ode to Association Marketing Professionals By ChatGPT In marketing’s realm, an executive ponders, seeking AI’s power, new pathways to wander. With data-driven insights, campaigns take flight, Association marketing soars to new heights. AI analyzes trends, revealing new ways, unveiling patterns, unlocking marketing’s maze. Personalization thrives, engagement’s secured, executives empowered, strategies

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